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Afro-Cuban series with Christina at GDC

Term One – ** NEW DATE Sun 4/2 – 24/3
8 Weeks!!

Time: 2pm – 3.30pm

Cost: $240.00 (Book now for early bird discount available until midnight 31st January). Contact Christina for payment plans.

Book Here: https://christinamonneron.com/product/afro-cuban-series-at-gdc/

Contact Christina for more info on 0432 509 519 or email christinamonneron@gmail.com

These classes bring empowerment and healing through Afro-Cuban Yoruba dance to the Orishas, preserving a rich tradition which was brought to Cuba during the 17th century and to Australia in the 1990’s.

In Term 1, students will learn aspects of Afro-Cuban dance technique through the Orisha dance of Yemaya, ‘Mother whose children are the fish’. Note that both men and women are encouraged to enrol in this series as the focus will be on body movement, posture, flow and connection to rhythm.

In Term 2, through a simple choreography to Yemaya, the classes will create more awareness of the relationship between the rhythms, sacred songs, and dance and a unique opportunity to culminate in a performance at the Afrekete Island Edition community showcase on the weekend of 7-9 June 2024, also coinciding with World Ocean Day on 8th June.

Your own large full-circle skirt or sarong are recommended for these classes. Some skirts available to borrow, and Orisha sarongs available to purchase (limited stock).


February 4, 2024
2:00 pm
Bookings and Tickets


BFITT Allied Health & PT

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